Sail Boat Experiment


To see whose sail is the fastest.



  • Cardboard
  • Plastic
  • Bamboo stick
  • Tape
  • Colored Paper
  • Wooden car



  1. Get a bamboo stick and put it in the middle verticle of the square plastic.
  2. Then get some popsicle sticks put them horizontally in the ends of the bamboo and tape them together.
  3. Wrap the plastic around the popsicle stick and tape them together.
  4.  Measure and cut out the sides and roof of the car. The sides are 8cm in height and the length is 30cm and the roof is 28 cm.
  5.  Then make the spoiler. The length is 16cm and the height is 5 cm. Watch a YouTube tutorial on how to create one. Here is what I watched –
  6. Make these P-shaped pieces so you can connect the spoiler to the car.
  7. Add little shaped wings to each side so it can cut air resistance.
  8. Just put all the pieces together.



Plan –

Distance – 7.2m

Time – 13.0s

Formula – V= d/t

To find the Velocity you do Distance divided by time.

7.2m ÷ 13.0s = 0.55384615384ms-1  Rounded – (0.55ms-1)



We made a sailboat which was called a wind racer, and made it look like a car so the design would look good.

What are the forces acting on your wind racer – As we did the experiment there were 4 forces opposing the experiment. Thrust, Lift, drag, and weight. Thrust is a force that pushes the object forward, and drag is a force that acts as the opposite force for thrust as it moves forward dragging it down. Lift is the sum of all the forces that force it to move perpendicular to the direction of flow. Weight is a force that gravity has on an object.

Are they balanced or unbalanced – The wind racer was an unbalanced force as there were no forces opposing each other with equal force. When equal force is applied, it will not change the movement of the object. Making the object stationed at its place with no motion.

What is a net force and how does it relate to our wind racer –  Net force is the total force acting on an object. Considering both the strength and direction of all forces acting on it. This relates to our wind racer because the wind racer has all 4 forces acting on it as it moves.

What are the strengths of forces acting on it at different stages? – As the wind racer is stationed it has zero net force as all the 4 forces are balanced. But when you turn on the leaf blower it creates a force that makes the wind racer accelerate forward, which is thrust. As a result, it creates another force which is drag, it is the opposite of thrust which means instead of accelerating forward it will slow us down. While weight and lift are balanced.

How do the forces acting on the wind racer affect the motion of the wind racer at different points? – As there is more force acting upon the wind racer it will accelerate faster meaning more thrust. But at one point it starts to slow down which means there is less thrust, which means drag can accrue more easily and slow down your wind racer. As Newton’s first law, it is that an object will stay stationed until an external force is used.

Why do you think results may vary in the class? – Because we all could have applied more or less force to the wind racer, resulting in a different time. But also each wind racer had different shapes and stuff which would neither make the wind racer go faster or slower.



How was your wind racer successful/unsuccessful and why? – Our wind racer was pretty successful as it went a good distance. We tried and reduce as much drag as we could so we made sure the shape was right.

How could you improve it? – We could have planned it better because there were some errors in the process. We could have done better time management and created less drag.


Egg Parachute Experiment


To find out if we can make an egg parachute that can safely land without the egg breaking.





    1. We cut out cardboard and made it into 5 squares with flaps.
    2. Then glue it together with hot glue where we made the flaps.
    3. We then cut out 4 trapezoids for the roof to see the egg.
    4. Then we designed it into a house.
    5. Add patting to the inside so the egg is safe inside.
    6. Then glue a small yogurt container in the middle where the egg can stay safe.
    7. Then we got a plastic bag and cut all the areas we didn’t need.
    8. We got 4 strings and threaded it through on each side.
    9. Then we glue each of the strings on each side of the house.
    10. We tested it and it worked.



We had very good test results despite being in a rush to do things. Our parachute accomplished two things, how it looked and the speed it took to reach the ground. Out time was – 2.06 seconds. Ours was the slowest compared to the other parachutes.



The reason why some of the parachutes fall faster than others is because they neither have a smaller parachute nor a bigger mass. The bigger the parachute the better as there is more friction as it falls to the ground, which creates more drag. Another thing why some of them fell faster is because it has more mass, the bigger the mass the more speed it acceleration.


What I would like to improve next time is teamwork but for the project itself the design, and the length of the parachute because it was kinda uneven.

Football reflection – Term 2

This term in PE we have been learning about football

The following words are used in football. What do they mean? Write their definitions.

  1. Offside –  Behind the last defender on the other team.
  2. Onside – Where you can kick the ball and do football stuff.
  3. Kick-off – The start of the game.
  4. Dribble – Dribbling the ball is a way to maneuver around with the ball.
  5. Pass – Passing the ball to another player on your team.
  6. Throw in – When the football goes out the player goes and throws it in.
  7. Goal kick – When the goal person kicks the ball.


Football is played with 11 players on each team on the field at one time. The field is 69.5m wide x 105m in length.

The equipment needed is

  • Football
  • Football cleats
  • Shin Guards
  • Football Socks
  • Jersy/shirt
  • Shorts
  • Goalkeeper gloves.


  • The 5 most important rules of football are – Offside, Fouls, Penalty kick, Throw in, and handball.
  • One thing I improved at was – dribbling.
  • One thing I enjoyed was – Kicking the ball far.
  • I need to keep working on my – Dribbling
  • I enjoyed playing on the same team as Renz because he tries and actually plays even though he doesn’t play football.
  • I always/sometimes/hardy ever/never brought my PE gear to school – I always bring my PE gear to school.
  • Out of 10, I would give myself an 8 for effort because I improved and tried but I think I could have done better.


Write the definition of these words.

School Holidays

In the school holidays really didn’t do anything, I did some stuff but it wasn’t really exciting. I kinda feel like I wasted the 2 weeks we had but it’s alright. But there are two things that I can remember that i did, I watched Solo Leveling and played basketball with my friend.

One of the things is that I’ve been hearing about this show called Solo Leveling so I decided to watch it in the holidays and it did not disappoint. This is what the show is about, the world is set in a modern time like us, but Gates to a dungeon starts to open up and monsters come out of it. Then among the humans in the world people start to gain powers to fight back, but once you awaken you cannot get stronger and the main charter is one of the weakest ones there. But then something happens and he gains the ability to level up and get stronger, this means he is the only one who can rise up in strength. So thats what the shows about.

The other thing i did was play basketball with my friend, whenever he comes over to my house we go to the park and play basketball. I alwasy want to start because even though im better than him i think, he has a basketball hoop at home so he can practice so he can get better and he’s 2 years younger than me. But i won 10 – something can’t remember the score but he is getting better. Heres the thing i don’t play any sports and he plays football mainly but he did start to play basketball at school. So it was a good match up and it was really fun to play with him.

So in general i really did nothing in the holidays maybe next time i could do something that won’t waste the 2 weeks i have off. But really those two things were fun and those two stood out to me of the 2 weeks of the holiday but anyway i really enjoyed it.



Term 1 Reflection

Term Reflection


How has your term been? – Good

What has made it good? – Friends and having fun.

What can you do next term to make things more successful? – Be smarter so i can have less stress.


Gratitude Journal.


An emotion you felt today – Happy

A quote that inspires or motivates you – When your friends tells you that you’ve changed, it means you’ve grown up.

Modern technology that makes your life easier – Devices

Something someone else did for you – Help me get smarter.

Athletic Results

HHS Athletic Sports 2024 – Blog reflection


I participated in these events

  • 100m
  • High Jump
  • Long Jump
  • Shot putt
  • Discus
  • Triple Jump



  • Discus – 15
  • Shot putt – 6
  • Long jump – 4.1

The weather was Rainy for the 2024 athletics sports for school. So they had to cancel it 

I felt good when I was doing the high jump.

Something/someone that surprised me was Raph doing stuff with his jacket, he always had it on when he was doing the sport.

My friend Raph did well in the High Jump

One thing that I could have done was to learn how to do another method for high jump. And get more fit so I can get better results from my last one.

The highlight of my day was running the 100m because I needed it.

Next year I hope to improve on all of the things that I choose so I can get better at it.


Make sure you post this on your blog when completed. You have one period to get this done. See the teacher for help.

Zombie Punnetts Legend


To find out what our zombie will look like and learn about genetics.



We chose what parent alleles we were going to do, making it a capital or a lowercase. To decide what traits your zombie had we had to choose two answers on the topic it is on. And the more dominant one will get more chosen.



This is what I got. Don’t mind the hands.


Gene – A gene is a heredity that is carried from a parent to an offspring, which is held to determine some of the characteristics of the offspring.

Allele – An allele is one or two more versions of the DNA sequence at a given genomic location.

Genotype – It is the genetic makeup of an organism.

Phenotype – The observable physical properties of an organism.


This is basically how you fill out punnett squares –

You grab each letter from each of the two and put it into a square, Im sure you can see a pattern.

I did this and it is great, but I do not know if it is correct or not.

Health Hauora Play-Doh

For the activity we did, we used Play-Doh. We had to make whatever the teacher said, of one of the 4 things of Hauora, and that was basically it. An example is Taha Tinana which means we have to make something out of Play-Doh, something physical or active. I got carried because me and Raph was on the same team and all I did was make a hat out of Play-Doh

Personality Description

What makes me is that i am



  • Openness
  • Extroversion
  • Neuroticism
  • Conscientiousness
  • Agreeableness


  1. How did your actual results compare to your expectations? I had no expectations so it dosen’t matter.
  2. How can you use your results to better understand your relationships with others? I don’t know.
  3. What do you most want out of a career, aside from money? So i can have fun, and not get bored of the j


