FBI Finger Printer

How fingerprints are revealed at crime scenes – They do it by dusting surfaces with dark powder that sticks to the prints. There are other methods like chemical methods, Lodine fuming, Ninhydrin, Physical Developers, Laser or Alternate light sources, Photography and Imaging, and Latent Print Lifting.

When the first crime was solved using fingerprint evidence – It was in 1892 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a murder was solved using thumbprint evidence found at the crime scene.

What records are kept for convicted criminals – The records kept by convicted criminals can depend on the jurisdiction and legal system, but some of the common types of records include. Criminal records, Fingerprint records, mugshots, court records, probation or parole records, prison records, DNA records, sex offender registry, and Driving records.

Edible Blue Glass


I want to see how to make edible blue glass



  • 8 cups sugar
  • 2.5 cup golden syrup
  • 4 cups water.
  • Blue food coloring
  • Pan/pot
  • Whisk
  • Parchment Paper
  • Bag


  1. Get a pot and turn it on.
  2. Mix sugar, golden syrup water, and food coloring to 150c in the pot.
  3. Once it starts boiling, take off the stove.
  4. Then spread it on a flat surface and let dry with the baking paper underneath it.
  5. Then put it into a plastic bag.
  6. Get something to crush it into pieces.





It’s the disorganized structure that will make amorphous solids transparent and brittle. You can make glass in your kitchen by melting sugar instead of sand. The molten sugar turns into another amorphous called edible glass candy glass and has a glassy, translucent appearance.

Personality and the brain (Legend)

A) What group and personality type did you first pick from the scenario and why – I picked the laughing one because on that table it won’t be boring and they will keep telling jokes and it is just funny. It won’t feel quite like no one on the world is even on the planet.

B) What did the personality test say about you? Do you agree? – I got an Advocate and I kinda agree but at the same time, I don’t because I don’t really know what it is.

C) What is the difference between a non-psychopath and a psychopath brain? – One kills and one doesn’t, the limbic system also does not work in a psychopath’s brain or doesn’t function well so that’s one of the reasons they are a psychopath. In a non-psychopath brain, the limbic system is working and that is why they are like that it is working.

D) Tell me an interesting fact that you have learned so far – The thing that I learned so far is the limbic system and more about the brain because I didn’t really know all the parts of the brain and what the names were.

E) How does knowing your personality type impact (change) your Taha Wairua – Sense of belonging? It does change a little bit know my personality but I’m not sure if anything really changed after knowing my personality.

F) Include evidence (pictures/screenshots) of your work so far –

Trash In the Ocean and Rivers

In the first video, there is a guy who tells us about how the trash goes into the river.  My thoughts on this is very bad because there is so much trash in that video. I don’t even know how deep that trash is but it looks deep. In the video he shows us all the trash, so like there were shoes, plastic toys, and random stuff. But most of it was packaging and plastic bottles. At first, the river looks clean as was going through the river, but after you go a bit further you will start to see trash. There were also people dumping trash he said it was kind of illegal but yeah they were throwing trash off the cliff. Into the river where the rest of the trash was.

The second video wasn’t that long but it contained people also dumping trash into the river or ocean. I’m not sure but it also looked like someone threw a piece of rubbish into the ocean too. Because there was a piece flying in the air, other than that there were a lot of trucks. They contained loads of rubbish and they were just dumping it like it was nothing. The current of the water would sweep all the rubbish away.

Share Of Plastic Global Waste Emitted To The Ocean, 2019

The amount of Waste is crazy, but most of our waste comes from a certain place. Asia, Asia has 80% of waste around the world, that’s not even half of it. Africa has an 8%, South America has a 6%, North America has a 5%, Europe has a 0.6%, and Oceania has a 0.4%. China produces most of the waste, but I heard that the Philippines has most of the plastic waste so I’m not sure now.

Rugby World Cup

Rugby World Cup


Where is this being held?


What countries are competing?


Who were the top 4 countries at the last world cup?

France new zealand italy uruguay namibia sa ireland scotland tonga

Romania wales aus fiji georgia ronaldo england Japan messi samoa


Where do you predict that the All Blacks will place?


What date will the final be played?


Choose one of the All Blacks and write a short profile about them: 

Name Luke Jacobson

DOB 1997

Positions back row

Place they live in NZ, Somewhere, we dont know

Which area do they play for, eg, Canterbury. Mount smart

Include a photo

If any info is wrong not my fault.

Fitness Reflection

After trying the activities fitness means to me, staying healthy, and making your body stronger.

My thoughts on fitness haven’t changed at all well there are different types of fitness. But in general it still means the same to me, staying healthy, and making your body stronger.

What I can do to improve Taha Tinana, is to eat healthy more and do fitness more.

How could your nutrition change depending on the exercise you do? Increase the amount of energy they consume, particularly from carbohydrate sources. Or each exercise will use different amounts of food on the depending of what exercise you do.

Eye Dissection


I want to find out how to dissect an eye to see how the eye works.



  • Safety Glasses
  • Gloves
  • Scissor
  • Scalpel
  • Tray
  • Eye



  1. Get your equipment ready.
  2. Be Safe.
  3. Cut out the cornea and flip it over.
  4. Remove the lens.
  5. Remove the (aqueous humour)
  6. Cut around the sclera (white of the eye) Make sure you don’t cut the optic nerve.
  7. Remove the retin.
  8. Look for the optic nerve and the blind spot.



The eye Dissection went well, we used a cow eye but all eyes were basically the same. Around the eye is the Sclera the supporting wall of the eyeball. We made our first dissection between the cornea which is the black ball in the middle, and the sclera. The cornea basically helps our eyes to focus on an object that is close or far away. But if we look at the back of the eye there is a little thing sticking out and that is the optic nerve. The optic nerve transmits electrical impulses from your eyes to your brain, so if you get hit in the back of your head, you may lose your vision or it may become blurry. Inside the front of the eyeball is the aqueous humor and at the back of the eye is the vitreous humor. They are under pressure so if you pop the eye it will spray out. Behind the cornea is the iris muscle and right in the middle is the pupil. Behind the iris muscle in the middle is the lens, when it is alive it will be squishy but when it is not functional and preserved it will turn hard. Now if you cut the eyeball in half and get all the vitreous humor out you will see a light layer which is the retina, it converts light that enters your eyes and will turn it into electrical signals your optic nerve sends to your brain which creates the images we now see. Under the retina is the choroid, the choroid provides the outer retina with nutrients, and maintain the temperature and volume of the eye. If you look at the retina, behind the optic nerve you will see the blind spot, thats where the retina attaches to the optic nerve.

Emotional Intelligence




Ash has had the same friends since year 7, the four of them will always hang out with each other at lunchtime. Over the last week, though, Ash has noticed that his friends are starting to cut him out of the group, like not waiting at the lockers or going off with another group and leaving him out. Ash also then found out that some kids in the class posted some bad comments about him on Facebook and that his own group of friends had added smart comments to the post.

Now Ash would feel angry at the fact that his friends are not including him. He could also feel sad because his friends that he had friends with since year 7 had just suddenly cut him out. Now I don’t know why his friends are doing that because it doesn’t say why, but maybe Ash did something to annoy them or something. Or they just suddenly hate him or something, but the fact that they posted something about Ash means something is happening that the story is not telling us.

Some advice I would give Ash is to just make new friends or just ignore them, and think positive always. But some advice I would give to his friends is that, just stop cutting him out, or if he did something just forgive him or tell him the reason why they are cutting him out.