Historical Challenges Disasters


Key Vocabulary

  • Disaster: A sudden, catastrophic event that causes significant disruption, damage, and distress to a community or society, often overwhelming local capacity to cope (Natural, Technological, Human-made).
  • Impact: The consequences or effects of a disaster on people, infrastructure, economy, and the environment.
  • Resilience: The ability of communities and societies to withstand and recover from the effects of disasters, often through preparedness, response, and adaptation measures.
  • Emergency Response: The immediate actions taken by governments, organizations, and communities to address the needs of affected populations during and after a disaster, including search and rescue operations, medical care, and humanitarian aid. 


Timeline – https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1idpaWir96lU4lGtk4eCmpEh_sJUxT90&usp=sharing



Here we research about one natural disaster and one man-made disaster. – https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EHQDikNs4p2yXkw5hxg9v3PCkNTHVNE-dxtlBukkOF0/edit?usp=sharing