Personality and the brain (Legend)

A) What group and personality type did you first pick from the scenario and why – I picked the laughing one because on that table it won’t be boring and they will keep telling jokes and it is just funny. It won’t feel quite like no one on the world is even on the planet.

B) What did the personality test say about you? Do you agree? – I got an Advocate and I kinda agree but at the same time, I don’t because I don’t really know what it is.

C) What is the difference between a non-psychopath and a psychopath brain? – One kills and one doesn’t, the limbic system also does not work in a psychopath’s brain or doesn’t function well so that’s one of the reasons they are a psychopath. In a non-psychopath brain, the limbic system is working and that is why they are like that it is working.

D) Tell me an interesting fact that you have learned so far – The thing that I learned so far is the limbic system and more about the brain because I didn’t really know all the parts of the brain and what the names were.

E) How does knowing your personality type impact (change) your Taha Wairua – Sense of belonging? It does change a little bit know my personality but I’m not sure if anything really changed after knowing my personality.

F) Include evidence (pictures/screenshots) of your work so far –

Death, dying, and after life

How to write your Death, Dying, and Afterlife blog


For LEGEND’S: thoughtful & detailed answered required 


Questions and tasks Sentence starters (if needed ) Evidence 
1. Introduction: Write the sentence starter out or write your own introduction about this unit. In health we have been learning in class about death, dying and after life. We learnt about the black plague, and culture believes around death and dying. We also watch the coco movie at the start so we could understand what believes in mexico they had. Then we also went through the 5 stages of grief. Here is an link to some of my work.

You need to select 3 pieces of your work to show as evidence for question 1. Put these pieces of evidence (hyperlinks or screenshot) underneath your Q1 answer.He takata tiriti ahau
2. What is your chosen topic for investigation? I have chosen to investigate … Religious Beliefs around death
3. Explain 3-4 interesting pieces of information you read about your topic. Provide links and or pictures to support what you are explaining. Interesting pieces of information about …are…  UK is getting more less and less religious. Also after the COVID 19 pandemic, conversions about death are becoming more normalized. Some reporters or people went asking around what they think about death. And most of the people were found concerned about what makes a good death, like feeling no pain/suffering.  While religious landscapes are changing churches and faith communities an important role in offering both pastoral care and theological accompaniment to the dying and the bereaved.

4. How did you demonstrate respect towards others’ cultural beliefs that are different to yours? There were a number of ways that I demonstrated respect towards other culture beliefs during this unit. I did this by… listening to what people have to say about their culture. Basically taking in what they say and stuff.

For Excellence, explain how showing respect would enhance others hauora. By showing respect to others i could enhance people others hauora since  you are listening to them and respecting what they and that could make them feel better.

5. Why is it important that you take care of all areas of hauora when we experience change, loss, or grief? It is important that I take care of all areas of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief because…

I can take care of my hauora when I experience change, loss, or grief by… taking a deep breath and exhale out, and just remember the happy times. Or just thing of the things that you will look forward in the future that could help i think.

For Excellence, complete the sentence starters AND relate your answer back to the Te Whare Tapa Whā concept (4 walls of the whare) ????

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